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The Mystery of Traditional traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the oldest treatment methods in the worldwith a history of more than 3,000 years. In the past 60 to 70 years, Western countries have begun to scientifically confirm the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods. Many treatment principles adopted by traditional Chinese medicine are considered effective and are being actively implemented in clinical practice in Western countries. 

The Mystery of Traditional traditional Chinese medicine

What is the essence of traditional Chinese medicine?

There is a fundamental difference between Eastern medicine and Western medicine about health. Western medicine treats diseases and symptoms, while Eastern medicine has treated the human body as a complete interconnected system for thousands of years. According to traditional Chinese medicine, our health depends on the circulation of life energy qi and the balance of Yin and Yang. If the energy circulation is disturbed, disease will be manifested. Therefore, what needs to be treated is not the symptoms of the disease, but the restoration of body harmony.

This seemingly unusual method has achieved results, according to the United Nations World Health Organization, the traditional Chinese medicine method does help treat more than 40 different diseases. 

Diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine

Western medical diagnosis uses modern instruments to analyze the results of physical examinations of patients. The rules and methods of TCM diagnosis are different.

Inspection,observation of the patient's complexion, tongue, expression, behaviour, etc., one of the four methods of diagnosis When examining a patient’s condition, the doctor not only checks the manifestations of a specific disease, but also mainly observes the color of the patient’s skin, tongue, whites of the eyes, nails, etc. Since the disease is the result of the qi disorder of the human body, it will inevitably show a change in appearance.

Smell, diagnose diseases by examining the patient's breathing, speaking voice, speed of speech, coughing, etc.

Questions, by asking the patient or his attendant, to understand the patient's pain, cause, past medical history, living habits, dietary preferences, personality and mood, physical type and other conditions related to the disease.

Pulse-taking, that is, pulse diagnosis. The rhythm of the pulse can tell the doctor a lot of information about the patient's physical state. Traditional traditional Chinese medicine distinguishes 28 kinds of common pulse conditions corresponding to various diseases.

The Mystery of Traditional traditional Chinese medicine

Touch-The doctor checks for swelling and obstruction by touching the skin, muscles and joints of the patient. Based on the information obtained from the above diagnosis, the doctor will understand the patient's problem and write a prescription to adjust the patient's Yin and Yang balance, unblock the qi movement, and promote the patient's recovery.

The Mystery of Traditional traditional Chinese medicine